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  • Writer's pictureGenie Goldstein Kizner

Production line monitoring interface - concentrating on the main challenge

During my work in Cognit we were addressed by a company requiring help while developing a faster and more automated production line for a new product model.

There was a great will for a good user experience, but also a very tight schedule, and an even tighter budget (to an extent that came fully clear only during our work on the project).

Task Analysis

There were three types of workers in the production line, with completely distinct roles and, therefore, needs.

Focusing our effort we defined the operators' screen as the main challenge, hence the best for investing our effort in.

We performed interviews and observations, and learned that most of the operators' jobs are with the physical line and products and not with the screens (e.g. putting the components in relevant positions to perform tests).

But despite the goals of enhanced speed and automation, the operators were required to keep sight of the screens to notice problems in the process (especially on the first runs of the line).

Clean room production line illustration, very similar to the one this project deals with. I have no authorization to publish the actual materials online.


I realized it was important to display cumulative information regarding the occurrence rate of common fails at different tests performed at different sites along the line, as well as the real-time statuses of components tested at the moment.

I proposed a topographical display layout for both types of information, organized according to the physical structure of the line, allowing better tracking.

Development Process

Due to the time and budget constrains, we demonstrated the concept on a single operator station, accompanying it with general UX guidelines and graphical design and elements.

The full product was developed by the clients, implementing the principles of our concept to all stations.

What I learned

Even with minimal resources can UX work give value, but it is very important to communicate and match expectations at the beginning of the project (and at every milestone) for optimal use of resources.

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